Sea Watch Restaurant Turtle Lighting
Occupying a majestic site on a bluff just fifty yards from the Atlantic Ocean, the SeaWatch, offers incomparable views of the shore framed by scores of swaying coconut palms and sand dunes spotted with natural sea grasses. Restaurant management required lighting that would provide the right amount of ambient lighting for their upscale patrons that would not be visible from the bach nor disrput nesting sea turtles just yards away.
Occupying a majestic site on a bluff just fifty yards from the Atlantic Ocean, the SeaWatch, offers incomparable views of the shore framed by scores of swaying coconut palms and sand dunes spotted with natural sea grasses. Restaurant management required lighting that would provide the right amount of ambient lighting for their upscale patrons that would not be visible from the bach nor disrput nesting sea turtles just yards away.
Existing light fixtures were lamped with a combination of 5 watt amber LED spot bulbs and 3 Watt LED amber globe bulbs to create just the right light and to in compliance with the local ordinance. These bulbs will also save a tremendous amount of energy over their rated 50,000 hour life.

Before - Notice the bright white lights After - Notice the ambient amber lights
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