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The Best Alternative to Fluorescent Office Lights


The Best Alternative to Fluorescent Office Lights


Thanks to advances in technology, LED lights are the very best alternative to fluorescent office lights. In more ways than one, modern LEDs are superior to fluorescent lighting technology today. If you’re currently looking to update your current office lighting, here are 7 reasons why you should make the switch to LED lighting.

The 7 Advantages of LED Alternatives Over Flourescent Office Lights

1. LED Lights Increase Office Safety

LED lights are a much smarter solution for offices that emphasize safety in the workplace. They are created out of only non-toxic materials and do not contain harmful mercury and lead compounds as fluorescent office lights do. Accidents can happen and LED lights make the cleanup process much safer and easier for everyone.

2. LED Lights Dim Easily

While some fluorescent lights may be able to dim, not all can and those that are able to are much less energy efficient and cost-effective as LED alternatives. LED’s more modern technology was specifically designed with ease of dimming in mind. LED lights are much more hassle-free and simplify the process of dimming the lights substantially.

3.LED Alternatives Are Much More Energy Efficient

Simply put, fluorescent office lights are inefficient. They emit light through non-directional means every time you use them, which means that up to 40% of the lighting they emit is being wasted. You don’t need your office lighting to be directing high amounts of light toward your ceiling and away from your workers; what you truly need are directional lights. Directional lights focus light where you need it, and do not waste light being emitted 360 degrees. LED lights provide much more energy-efficient directional lighting which can reduce your energy usage as much as 30% on a monthly basis! This return on investment can truly add up and increasing your energy-efficiency supports greener office initiatives.

4. LED Lights Produce Less Heat Which Makes Cooling Your Office Easier

Property managers and facility managers can attest to the fact that for keeping an office cool in the hottest months of the year, LEDs are the clear way to go. LED lights do not emit nearly as much heat as fluorescent lights which make air conditioning efforts significantly more effective. Placing less stress on your A/C units helps to lower your electric bill and ensures optimal worker productivity with a cooler, more comfortable workplace environment.

5. LED Replacements Boast Extensive, Long Lifespans

LED lights last an incredibly long time. They are remarkably durable and typically possess an average lifespan of 50,000 hours – over 4 times the average lifespan of traditional fluorescent office lights. This longer lifespan leads to lower maintenance costs and lower expenses associated with purchasing lighting inventory.

6. Fluorescent Lights Are Not Designed for Regular On and Off Switching

One known way to extend the lifespan of fluorescent lights is to avoid frequent switching the lights on and off; however, doing so can waste energy. Modern office spaces today typically contain areas where lights turn on and off regularly based on usage of the room. This eco-friendly, cost-effective strategy simply doesn’t work well withfluorescent light bulbs. LEDs perform much better in these situations.

7. With LEDs, There’s No More Annoying Buzzing and Flickering of the Lights

Your entire office will greatly appreciate no longer ever hearing buzzing and flickering of lights in the background with LEDs. Sometimes with fluorescent lights these sounds and distracting annoyances are unavoidable. With LED alternatives, these problems will no longer be an issue.

Make the Change Today to Greener, More Energy Efficient LEDs

At Superior Lighting, we’ve been helping organizations and businesses of all sizes make the change to LED lighting for years. With the countless benefits of utilizing LEDs over fluorescent lighting, there’s little reason why your office shouldn’t make the switch to LEDs as well. At Superior Lighting, we can make the process of moving to LEDs easy and affordable. Our customer service, product knowledge, and low prices separate us from the competition. Get started browsing our online catalog today. If you have any questions about the best alternatives to your current fluorescent office lights, don’t hesitate to call us today at 1-800-545-7778 or fill out our online contact form.

